How can I benefit from the Free TradingView promotion and what are the eligibility criteria?
Enhance your trading experience with our Free TradingView promotion. Eligible clients can access TradingView for free by meeting specific requirements.
How to participate
- Opt-in: Complete the opt-in form.
- Deposit: Meet the required deposit and trading criteria.
- Submit invoice: Email your invoice or receipt to within 3 months from the end of your billing period.
Invoice requirements
Your invoice must include your name, billing period, amount, and currency, and the name on the invoice must match your registered name with Vantage.
What you’ll get
Vantage will refund the monthly TradingView subscription cost up to USD $59.95, with a limit of one subscription per client per month.
Important notes
- Trading volume: The trading volume used for this offer cannot be applied to other promotions.
- Eligibility: Only STP and ECN account types are eligible for the promotion; BTC and ETH currency accounts are not eligible.